Gir nedkjøling og smertelindring opptil 2 timer.
Minimerer risikoen for at brannskader sprer seg i vevet.
Kan også brukes mot solbrenthet og smerter etter brennmaneter.
Brukes til akutt behandling av små brannsår, solbrenthet og brennmaneter. Geleen gir øyeblikkelig smertelindring og nedkjøling i opptil 2 timer og er antiseptisk og har lokalbedøvende effekt
Designed with a flexible structure.
Prevent ingress of bacteria to the wounded skin surface.
Helps for the healing of the wound by its air-permeability.
Prevents ingress of bacteria by protecting the wounded...
Designed in various sizes and types to meet the requirements of the whole family.
Prevent ingress of bacteria to the wounded skin surface.
Helps for the healing of the wound by its air-permeability.
Protection of the stitched area after surgery or during the dressing of a wound, and for the treatment of all kinds of skin injury.
Protects the wounded area and helps its healing.
Made of transparent...
Designed to be cut and use as per the required dimensions.
Prevent ingress of bacteria to the wounded skin surface.
Helps for the healing of the wound by its air-permeability.
Prevents ingress of bacteria by...
Gir nedkjøling og smertelindring opptil 2 timer.
Minimerer risikoen for at brannskader sprer seg i vevet.
Kan også brukes mot solbrenthet og smerter etter brennmaneter.